Code of Conduct

Florida Gravel Biking promotes/encourages the concept of safe riding. All club members are representing the Florida Gravel Biking brand, our vision as well as our sponsors and partners.  The club can revoke one’s membership for any violation of the Code of Conduct and/or Risk Management.


  • Wear a helmet. No member will be allowed without a helmet. This is required.
  • Obey all traffic laws.
  • No reckless riding or activity that could endanger other club members or riders during any riding activity. 
  • No insulting, bullying or unsportsmanlike conduct between club members, other riders, pedestrians, or motor vehicle operators. 
  • Do not taunt anyone in a motor vehicle. If they retaliate, you and the riders with you will lose.
  • Do not leave a CLUB member who is injured or has mechanical problems with their bicycle.
  • Abide by the ride leader’s direction.
  • Do not litter while riding. 
  • Respect other’s property. 
  • Abide by all USA Cycling rules and regulations during every ride. 
  • Use good judgement and common sense in all situations related to the club.
  • Represent the Florida Gravel Biking brand and vision with pride.


Florida Gravel Biking promotes/encourages the concept of safe riding. All club members are representing the Florida Gravel Biking brand, our vision as well as our sponsors and partners.  The Club can revoke one’s membership for any violation of the Code of Conduct and/or Risk Management.


  • Club rides and events are restricted to Club members and guest. Each member must sign waiver form before each scheduled ride.
  • While on Florida Gravel Biking Rides, all Florida Gravel Biking members must adhere to and obey all rules of the road as per the Florida Highway Traffic Laws and land management rules and regulations.
  • Each Florida Gravel Biking Ride participant will conduct themselves in a responsible manner and retains liability for their own actions.
  • Any Florida Gravel Biking member on a Florida Gravel Biking Ride should immediately advise the Ride Leader(s) and other members of the ride should the member feel the group or individuals in the group are riding in an unsafe manner. The member should withdraw from the ride if they feel unsafe.
  • All members of the Florida Gravel Biking are responsible for bringing forward to the Florida Gravel Biking Ride Leader any safety issues related to Florida Gravel Biking Rides.
  • All participants of the Florida Gravel Biking Rides must provide proof of membership in good standing prior to each ride, if requested by the Ride Leader. If an ineligible rider insists on participating even after being asked not to, then the Florida Gravel Biking ride may proceed, however, the Ride Leader shall advise the ineligible rider, with a witness present, that he or she is ineligible and is not covered by any Florida Gravel Biking insurance and is responsible for all his/her actions.
  • Risk Management guidelines are in addition to Group Guideline, Paceline Cycling Skills, Hand Signals Communication, Ride Preparation and Code of Conduct.


Bike hand signals are a way to communicate to motor vehicles and reduce the risk of being hit by a car. Signaling your intentions can make this possibility less likely.

Learning signals is critical for the safety of every cyclist. If you’re group riding in a peloton style using hand signals can warn them of your intention plus makes you a better cyclist!


Soft Pedaling:

In a Single Paceline, each rider follows the rider directly in front of her/him in single file. Soft Pedaling means turning the crank without applying force. You’re actually coasting but with the pedals still going around. Soft pedaling allows you to smoothly apply power or back off a bit, feathering speed to keep a nearly constant distance from the bike in front without braking.

Paceline Gap:

If a gap opens in front of you, pick up your speed gradually to close the gap.

Don’t overlap the wheel in front of you:

If you do, let the rider in front of you know that you are “on your left” or “on your right” and then call “all clear” when you have resumed your paceline position.

Stay focused. No distractions:

  • No ear buds, no headphones, no Aftershokz.
  • Don’t check your phones during rides unless you’re stopped. If you need to take a call, signal to the group that you are dropping and pull over.
  • The lead rider should use Hand Verbal and Signals & everyone should ECHO them throughout the paceline.
  • Road hazards (hole, glass, debris, gravel, sand, roadkill, water).
  • Turns (Left, Right, U-turn) – Call them out. We want to use our hands to not only signal other riders, but cars as well.
  • Signal & call out Slowing!, Stopping!, signal moving out of the bike lane.
  • Call out Car up, car back, car passing.
  • Call out Runner up, walker up, dog up.
  • Intersections – LOOK make sure it’s CLEAR for YOU, don’t rely on someone else’s “clear”.
  • Don’t make a LEFT turn unless it’s clear for the entire group to proceed (adjustments made for traffic situations).
  • No positioning on aero bars, unless you are riding off the back.
  • When assuming the front of a paceline, keep your speed constant. Do not accelerate rapidly! Keep in mind that there may be a large group behind you. Accelerate slowly after corners, stop signs, lights, etc… so the group does not “yo-yo”.
  • Never brake when at the front of a paceline unless you absolutely have to for safety reasons or dangerous situation.
  • Do not coast or soft pedal at the front of a paceline. (Pedal down the hills).
  • If someone surges at the front of paceline above group speeds, LET THEM GO.

You are responsible for your own front wheel.


  • Bike: Inflate your tires, make sure you have your saddle bag -> (CO2 cartridges, CO2 inflator, tire levers, a dollar bill & patch kit).
  • Attire: Kit, gloves, socks, shoes, glasses & Road ID (or some form of identification).
  • Hydration: Summer make sure you have at least 2 bottles, winter at least one. Use an electrolyte mix in at least one bottle during the summer.
  • Nutrition: For the VI 30-40 mile rides you may want to have a gel/gu/block for quick energy on the go. On longer rides, you may want to bring a bar, nuts or some nutrition that fits easily into your jersey pocket.
  • Speed device: Highly encouraged to have a way to know your speed on the ride so you don’t cause the group to yo-yo when you take your pull. Charge it before you ride.
  • Lights: Lights are highly encouraged for visibility. They are required for night rides. Ensure they are charged & on for the ride, but not in blinking mode for group rides.


A big part of the adventure in gravel biking whether bikepacking or not is it will likely take you some distance away from any support. If you are coming from the world of road cycling this isn’t the typical weekend ride with a stop at the cafe for a cappaccino and a pastry. Exploring the depths of nature takes you far away from convenient stores, bike shops and easy help. This means you will need to be prepared to handle repairs (like a flat tire, and much more) if it happens. It also means you will need to carry enough food and water for the duration of your trip. You will also need to have a good idea of your route and/or perhaps a bike computer to help keep you on route, additionally, it is a great idea to have a fully charged cell phone for backup or in case you need to call for help. Everyone has started somewhere, so even if riding with a group it is nice to at least have the needed equipment and seek help, vs having none of the equipment and seeking help.


Though also covered on our gear page, things you should carry include:

  • Plenty of water
  • Snacks/Food (eating each hour of riding is typically a good idea)
  • C02 or micro bike pump (or both, I carry both)
  • Navigation (Example: bike computer)
  • Cell Phone
  • Spare tire tubes ( a good idea even if you have tubeless tires)
  • Tire patch kit (if tubeless)
  • Multi-tool (there are some junky ones out there, make sure yours has relevant tools)
  • Sunscreen
  • Cash

Florida Gravel Biking website ( and other platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Ride with GPS – RWGPS, STRAVA) provide information for the public on bicycling opportunities in or out of the state of Florida. Bicycling can be a dangerous activity and regardless of what is presented on this website, users always engage in recreational activities at their own risk.

User assumes all risk and liability for any action in relation to the usage of information and routes on this website and, including if actions result in injury, death, loss or damage of personal property or other complications. Florida Gravel Biking, its partners, volunteers, associates, and contributors accept no liability. Route information and advice is provided as a planning resource only and is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete, and in no way should replace your own due diligence, research, and safety precautions.

All users are advised to check current conditions before embarking on any route, including weather, surface conditions, closures and safety precautions. Riders should obey all laws including public and private land usage restrictions and guidelines and carry adequate safety and navigational equipment. Read our Terms & Disclaimer below.

Copyright © 2024 Florida Gravel Biking. All Rights Reserved.